Day trips from Canton, Missouri
Canton is located 20 miles from Quincy, Illinois, 30 miles from Keokuk, Iowa and 40 miles from Hannibal, Missouri. Each of these cities offer many sightseeing and recreational facilities. Other recreational facilities are also located in and close to Lewis County and a few of these opportunities are listed.
Lewis County
Mark Twain Casino and Restaurant – located six (6) miles south of Canton in LaGrange, Missouri. For hours and information, please call 573-655-4770.
Wakonda State Park – located eight (8) miles south Canton (2 miles south of LaGrange). Wakonda State Park offers camping & rentals, swimming & beach area, fishing, nature trails, playground and picnic areas. For more information and rentals, call 573-655-2280 or 8818.
Clark County
Battle of Athens State Park – located in Clark County, Missouri (approximately 30 miles north of Canton). Battle of Athens SP was the location of the northern most Civil War battle west of the Mississippi. Features annual historic Civil War reenactments and other Civil War memorabilia. The state park also has camping, fishing, nature trails, play and picnic areas. Tours are available upon request. Call 660-877-3871 for more information.